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Abundance – Good News for a Change

Explosive Growth Simply Explained : Joinfree and Talk to the Young Confidently

Abundance – Good News for a Change


We are living in a time of abundance, not just material wealth, but a life of possibilities. Our amygdala (emotional function) has built in our need for survival. Consequently, newspapers and TV feed us as much bad news as possible. Over and over in high definition! Doom sells newspapers and TV, but the opposite of doom is true.

While at present, we view and read constantly about the atrocities in Ukraine, we are living in the most peaceful time in history. Our average life span has doubled, biotechnology is gradually eliminating disease and AI is eliminating boring jobs.

While we have problems, climate change, water and energy shortage, poverty, species extinction, etc., history shows that mankind has always fixed them, often by one minute to midnight! What fixes them? Technology and there are huge financial benefits in lower costs and more jobs. Businesses that resist change by hanging on to outdated technology, fall behind or cease to exist.

The video below explains it (see References below for the speaker)

Dr Peter Diamandis of Singularity University

Cost Reduction

Over the last 100 years, while per capita income increased by 3 times (3 x), costs have decreased as below (all adjusted for inflation) :

  • Food 10 times (10 x less)
  • Electricity 20 x (Solar energy is now around 1/3 the cost of fossil fuel)
  • Transportation 100 x
  • Communication 1000 x


Globally, the number of people living in extreme poverty declined from 36 per cent in 1990 to 10 per cent in 2015. Global literacy has increased from 25% to over 80% in the last 130 years. While there are too many people in the world, there are 2 ways to stabilise the world population. Education is paramount and making all people healthier through sanitation, biotechnology, CRISPR, etc. Anyone can educate themselves for free, using the Khan Academy for instance. See prior blog.

Water Resources

Earth is known as the blue planet as seen from space because it consists of 70% water of which 97.5% is saltwater, 2% is ice and 0.5% freshwater. Technology is now available to produce clean potable water for less than 2c a litre. With droughts becoming worse, much funding is going into new ways of producing potable water. Chinese researchers have produced a system that costs just $4 and it is now possible to harvest water from the air.

New Minds Coming Online

African warrior from Samburu tribe standing on savanna and using a mobile phone, central Kenya. Samburu tribe is one of the biggest tribes of north-central Kenya, and they are related to the Maasai.

The power of cell phones means a Maasai Warrior in Kenya has more knowledge available than Bill Clinton 25 years ago and better communication than Ronald Reagan 35 years ago. The spread of the internet via satellites means billions of new minds are producing new ideas. Today individuals can think up and act on ideas that only big corporations could do 30 years ago. 



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6 Responses

  1. Campbell

    Nice thoughts for us oldies. Hope you are well and avoiding trouble as we are here.

  2. Peter Diamandis talk a bit rosy for my liking. Also, problem with media is not that gloom sells, but more that drama does.

    • Graham

      I always appreciate your thoughtful comments.

      Peter is an optimist, no doubt, but I agree maybe only sees the positive side. Re drama, it is usually gloomy!


  3. Peter Kane says:

    Yet again some very insightful statistics. Your positive outlook on life when we have the TV-war atrocities beamed to us all daily does give us time to ponder our good fortune yet at the same time maintain an awareness of the plight of others brought about by despots, Thanks once again Campbell.

    • Peter

      Thanks for your thoughtful comments. While we are all justifiably appalled by the Ukraine situation, they represent 0.53% of the world population which means, by far the majority of the world is living peacefully. Both Russia and Ukraine are poor and corrupt by world standards. So hopefully, with more education and improvements in living standards, they will eventually become peaceful too and military invasions with cease. Google ‘World Corruption index’

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