Location Sydney Australia

Author: Campbell Keenan

Explosive Growth Simply Explained : Joinfree and Talk to the Young Confidently

Economics of Australian Clean Energy

Summary The change to clean energy is a ‘no brainer’ because of the enormous cost savings, profits, new jobs and negated damage costs. It is too easy to continue ‘Business As Usual’ (BAU,). Fortunately, there are smart technology companies, entrepreneurs and venture capital firms out there. They will make it happen because of the opportunities…
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Climate Change Shouldn’t Be Political!

  Summary Statistics show many more on the right of politics either deny climate change is happening or believe it is not important. On the left, the reverse is true. Why is this? Probably because the conservative right doesn’t want change. While coal is a major export earner for Australia, what should be appreciated is…
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Abundance – Good News for a Change

Summary We are living in a time of abundance, not just material wealth, but a life of possibilities. Our amygdala (emotional function) has built in our need for survival. Consequently, newspapers and TV feed us as much bad news as possible. Over and over in high definition! Doom sells newspapers and TV, but the opposite…
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Artificial Intelligence All Around Us

Summary Artificial Intelligence (AI), used increasingly, mostly relieves humans from boring tasks, so its hard to recognise. AI grew 270% over the last 4 years and is growing 54% year on year. The public believes AI will replace jobs but that is unlikely. It frees up humans to do what they are good at, being…
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The Rise & Rise of Blockchain

Summary Cryptocurrencies, based on the blockchain, took off in  2021, at one stage reaching US$3 Trillion and this blog relates to likely future applications. You may have noticed the increasing newspaper commentary. Unfortunately, most reports are inevitably about Bitcoin because it is the original and biggest crypto. However, about 11,000 so called Altcoins (Alternatives to…
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Is Metaverse the Next Big Thing?

Summary The Metaverse is an artificial 3D setting in which anyone can mix with other people from anywhere via avatars in a setting anywhere in the world. See also AR/VR blog. Much work is being done to replace avatars with real world holograms of the participants. Covid remote working has accelerated the development to make…
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How Covid is Changing Business

Summary Big businesses such as Google long ago started changing the way people work. They ditched 9 to 5, allowed employees to take holidays when they want them, work when they want. Google provides free facilities to eat (gourmet food all day), rest, play, meditate, sleep. Also to exercise in a variety of gyms, holiday,…
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Climate Change: Problems & Solutions

Summary Climate Change has been debated for decades. It has long been known by experts and now accepted by the majority of the public, that the science is settled. Most first world countries are taking action. Technology is and has been developed to clean up the atmosphere from greenhouse gas emissions shown in the chart…
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Future Covids and Vaccines

Summary Future Covids and Vaccines: The rapid availability of vaccines for Covid19 shows how far the technology has progressed. Previously, mainly due to red tape for approval, it took about 10 years. Most successful are the mRNA (messenger RNA – synthetic and genetically engineered) types from Pfizer and Moderna. But Pfizer’s vaccine needs to be stored at…
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Quantum Computing Simply Explained

Brief Summary Quantum Computing: The computers we use today (Classical Computers, CCs) use transistors which can be off or on, 2 states, ‘go and no go’ or 0 and 1. Quantum (Quantum means the smallest possible unit of any physical property) Computers (QCs) use cubits relying on subatomic particles, ions, photons, electrons and atoms. QCs…
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