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Is Metaverse the Next Big Thing?

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Is Metaverse the Next Big Thing?


The Metaverse is an artificial 3D setting in which anyone can mix with other people from anywhere via avatars in a setting anywhere in the world. See also AR/VR blog. Much work is being done to replace avatars with real world holograms of the participants. Covid remote working has accelerated the development to make remote meetings using Zoom, for instance, more real. Large tech companies are leading the development. The usual suspects such as Facebook (which has changed its name to Meta), Microsoft, Google, Apple and Amazon are examples.

More detailed explanations will be given below.

Some Personal Thoughts

I have watched countless videos on the future of the metaverse and all say it is the ‘Next Big Thing’ and will create a decentralised Web 3.0 based on the blockchain. It may well do but I find the use of avatars unrealistic. Much of the improvements have been driven by gaming, but I think the real advantages will be for education, business and social connection. Social connection is important as mental health deteriorated for many people during lockdowns and if the metaverse facilitates social interaction, that is a good thing. But it needs to be via holograms.

It is said that instead of looking at a 2D screen, you will be inside it in 3D. With your friends as holograms, it will be realistic. Some people will say it is not like being with them in person, but it is very close. No one knows unless they experience it. It is also instantaneous and free, so available to everyone. The video below is an example of education use. Refer also to the blog Will Khan Academy Revolutionise School


There are many interesting videos about the future metaverse, but most are too long for this blog. Here is a sample list of the better ones:


At present holograms are expensive to transmit, but they are so realistic that the person appears to be sitting there with you. The video below demonstrates and explains it.

Metaverse Glasses

While most lenses look clunky, new designs such as Microsoft Hololens 2 are less so and some are almost like reading glasses.

If there are any aspects not clear to you, comment below and I will try to clarify.


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11 Responses

  1. Bala says:

    Thank you Campbell. I am very poor with technology. Some of the things in your technology blogs, I find it difficult to understand. But keep feeding me and I will be on top one day with technology matters, hopefully!

  2. Peter Kane says:

    Thanks yet again Campbell. I hadn’t got around to find out the reason/logic behing the change but you have done it for me. Keep it going!

  3. Murray Kelly says:

    Just skimmed your work and I’m hooked.
    Will investigate some of your references over the holidays so thanks very much for the introduction.
    Have a brilliant Christmas and a 2022 full of fun, laughter and love.
    Manager of Long Grass
    Massey Park Golf

  4. John Foulsham says:

    Hi Campbell
    Always love your blogs and must say I knew zilch about Metaverse. Although holograms have been around for a while this adds a new dimension for communication in this continuing important part of our lives.
    I now know what they are talking about when Metraverse becomes the topic of conversation.

    • John

      Always good to read your comments.

      I think with Meta concentrating on the Metaverse, the cost of holograms will decrease and the standard will improve. They are so much more realistic than Avatars and eventually, it will be like meeting all your friends or business people in 3D. Overcomes the limitations of Zoom, Skype, Facetime, etc. Watch this space!

  5. Some of the initial images seemed no more than the games my stepson plays. The holograms seemed more interesting and impressive, but I would need to experience for myself to be convinced.

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