Location Sydney Australia


Explosive Growth Simply Explained : Joinfree and Talk to the Young Confidently

Turning Stem Cells into Organoids

Summary Organoids are one of the most significant scientific advances of the last ten years. Using stem cells from the patient’s skin, scientists can grow organoids in a dish into almost any organ’s cells. These include the brain, heart, liver, kidney and lungs. They can then experiment with ways to fix defects as the patient’s…
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Summary This is not a ‘future tech’ blog but something more important, personal than happiness. If you read the book, ‘The Good Life‘, you will be amazed at the conclusion of an 85 year study by Harvard University. Simply, talk to people! Your relationships are important for not only your happiness but also your health.…
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Are We Better Off than Ever?

Summary Many people believe humans are not improving their lot, but the facts dispute this. People tend to look at the simpler past nostalgically, through rose coloured glasses. But we are living longer, have more wealth, job security is better and we are safer than ever before. Mental health is important because in spite of…
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What are ChatBots?

Summary ChatBots are programs that use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to provide detailed information in readable format about any subject you ask. Much publicity has arisen about ChatGPT which is a free version. While it is in the Beta phase. It attracted 1M users in 5 days since its launch in November 22. In all, there…
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The World in 2040

Summary Exponential technology growth will change the world rapidly by 2040. Surprisingly, predictions are that nearly everyone will use the metaverse. The investment Bank Citi predicts the metaverse will be worth US$13 Trillion by 2030. Once you have a headset, there are really no costs. So Mark Zutterburg may be right and although shares in…
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New, Clean Energy Alternatives

Summary Renewables, such as wind and solar, both with battery backup are predominant and currently being installed worldwide. However, there are some exciting alternatives being developed. This blog explores nuclear fusion and 24 hour solar transmission from outer space. Both have been around for a while but research has removed many of the problems that…
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You, Me & Web3

Summary The title of this blog comes from the Sydney Morning Herald which publishes a page about Web3 every Thursday. Web3 is the next evolution of the web or internet. The first edition of the internet, Web1 was static or read only. Web2 which we use today evolved in the early 2000s and is read/write,…
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Automation for a Sturdier, Cheaper House

Summary Automation in the construction industry is being used increasingly to reduce build time, cost and increase accuracy. For instance, 3D printing can build all insulating concrete walls of a house in 2 days. The remainder is completed in a few weeks at maybe 50 to 60% of the cost, including all services. It will…
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How Do Male and Female Brains Differ?

Summary The human brain is incredibly complex and the best minds are trying to find out how it works so that computers can simulate it. We have a long way to go. A few basic facts: The male brain weighs around 1.4kg, about 2% of body weight. Although the male brain is 10% larger than…
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Ageing Reversal – Love it or Loathe It?

Summary Ageing is considered a disease that can be cured or even reversed and the technology is being perfected. There are 2 aspects here. One is curing or preventing diseases that are more likely as we age, such as heart problems, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and cancer. Crispr, the gene editing tool will assist. The second is…
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